What is a rally leader?

The role of Rally Leader rotates among family members and involves guiding the family through the opening and closing ceremonies. The Rally Leader ensures that family rules are followed, such as turning off devices and gathering all members. During the opening ceremony, the Rally Leader reads a selected quote, leads any discussions or follow-up questions, and may incorporate elements such as a prayer or the family mission statement.

In the closing ceremony, the Rally Leader brings the family together for a motivational send-off, leading a unison chant that ends with an inspiring word (e.g., “1,2,3…Teamwork!”).

Additional considerations:

Occasionally, kids/spouses may want to lead an entire family meeting. This is fantastic! Embrace it. Involving everyone is wildly more important than sticking to the agenda.

If your kids are very young and not ready for this, don’t fret. Do it with them, let them repeat after you. Whatever their capability is, embrace it.


F3 is a men’s fitness organization focused on fitness, fellowship and faith. It’s also free but that’s not one of the “F”s. I joined in 2018 and my life is orders of magnitude better as a result. Joining F3 is one of the most impactful choices I could recommend for any man’s life.

The concept of the Rally Leader is inspired by a core principle from F3, which emphasizes that workouts are led by men in a rotating fashion, without the need for prior training or qualifications. This approach has proven effective in my personal experience, demonstrating that individuals often excel when given the chance to lead their peers. Similarly, the Rally Leader role in the family meeting provides each family member with the opportunity to take charge and lead, fostering a sense of responsibility and leadership within the family.

Funny name story

For our first 2 years, this role was called “Star of the Week” which sounds more like a title on a kindergarten sticker chart than a significant family leadership opportunity. I was itching to mimic the F3 concept because of its power. My biggest issue is that “star” implies achievement or worthiness and you can’t pass that around like a hot potato. Rally leader is a designation that appropriately captures the essence of the role. Words are important! Precise language enhances our experiences.