What is family meeting?

Family meeting is a time to set aside all of the typical things that occupy our time and be a family together. It’s a time to learn, to laugh, to dream, occasionally to cry and have lots of fun!

Click here for a blazing fast introduction to the concept.

Why subscribe?

If you’re like me, you might be skeptical at first. Think of this as your recipe for family fun. Everyone loves the idea of quality time and creating lasting memories at home, but often, the challenge is in the planning. A subscription takes the guesswork out, delivering a ready-to-use family meeting plan to your inbox, ensuring memorable moments with minimal effort.

Paid Subscription
  • Weekly exclusive, easy-to-follow family meeting plans

  • Full access to our library of family meeting plans

Free Subscription
  • Monthly family meeting plan

  • Everything you need for a DIY approach (You just have to bring the effort 😉)

Who is writing this?

I’m Matt Cook. 👋

Living in Memphis, Tennessee, I'm grateful for my amazing wife of 16 years and our three sons. My Christian faith guides every aspect of my life. Currently, I'm passionate about coaching, sports, fitness, families, reading, habits, leadership, technology, startups, gaming, and continuous learning. Recently, I introduced the concept of family meetings to my close friends, encouraging them to experience it themselves!

After reading my friend's raw and honest account:

Tonight we had anger, frustration, crying, ripping of a paper airplane and slamming of doors. 10/10 would recommend will do again.

I realized the profound impact of embracing the full spectrum of family emotions. It was a moment of clarity: this powerful journey of authentic family connection needs to be shared far and wide!

Subscribe to Family Meeting

an "easy button" for spending intentional time with your family - I write simple weekly plans for families that encourage you and yours to chase dreams, love others and have fun!


Husband to 1, Dad to 3.