Where do I start?

Just like learning to swim, the first step is to enter the water. And guess what? You have a lifeguard right here! Jump right in - here’s 3 easy plans to try first!

For Kids 0-10: Learn to Fly

For Kids 5-18: See it, dream it, try it

For a quiet, reflective activity: An unforgettable walk

Make sure to skim through the 🔥 blazing fast intro 🔥 to get a handle on the key concepts. Let the adventure begin!

Do I need to have family meeting weekly?

Establishing a rhythm makes a big difference. The more often you gather, the smoother family meeting becomes.

You might consider adding it into activities you are already doing together as a family such as planning meals or coordinating schedules. By piggybacking on existing family time, you will seamlessly add family meeting to your routine.

I keep missing weeks. How do I become more consistent?

Here’s a few tips:

  1. Have a plan: Set a schedule and stick to it as much as possible.

  2. Adjust the plan: Life happens. Adapt and be flexible. Make it work for your family.

  3. Forget the past: Dwelling on missed opportunities won’t change them. Think of each week as a fresh start.

How much time does a family meeting take?

Here’s the deal: It’s not about clock-watching - its about carving out intentional quality time with your loved ones. Put away all of your digital distractions and savor each other’s company.

To answer the question though, a typical family meeting wraps up in less than an hour. There’s a whopping 168 of those in a week. You can find the time!

“Family Meeting” sounds kinda lame. Could we rename this?

Of course! Make it your own. I started this back when my kids still believed I was the epitome of coolness, so they genuinely get hyped when it’s time to start.

Think about branding your family gatherings with a word or phrase that really speaks to your crew's vibe – whether it's funtastic fiesta, mind-blowing brainstorm, creative chaos, super squad summit, or adventure assembly.

Face it, if all you’re dishing out are lectures and lessons, your kids are gonna start giving you dreaded looks like this...

So, beat them to it! Be the ringmaster of fun, the maestro of mirth, and intentionally whip up the family atmosphere you dream of! Go ahead, be legendary!

What if my family isn’t a traditional family?

Every family is unique, and that’s what makes them special. You'll share common experiences with others while also having your own highlights, challenges, and dynamics. Embrace the uniqueness of your family!

I speak from the perspective of a happily married Christian man with three natural born children, but this community is inclusive of all families who want to be intentional about spending quality time together. Whether you're a single parent, atheist, divorced, or anything in between, you're welcome here!